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13 of July 2024
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0. Before removing the beta status from this version, it was decided to implement the maximized mode for editable window. Along the way, minor corrections and changes were made, which are described in detail in History.txt . Further plans for the project development go beyond the capabilities of the native PT3 format, and its modification entails changes in the player. Therefore, it is planned that the version in the PT3 header is larger than VT II 1.0 and PT 3.7 will become a marker of new features in the format.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0.
23 of April 2024
  • In the Music Archives section Tr_Songs archive version 6.5 was released. Most of the changes in this version were due to Adrien Pouleyn: he discovered many duplicates, helped decide which ones to keep, found co-authors for some modules and even authors for some previously unsorted ones, and, in addition, sent many new modules. I found some new modules in various releases, added music from the latest Forever demo party and the updates. A total of 137 modules have been added or updated. There are currently 28898 modules, 7979 playlists and 770 text files with additional information in the archive.
  • In the Music Archives section, the Tr_Songs archives version 6.5+ (expanded playlists) and 6.5++ (expanded playlists and folders) were released too.
  • The AY Composers List v6.5 was released. 27 records were added/updated. Can be found inside of Tr_Songs archive v6.5, v6.5+ or v6.5++.
11 of April 2024
  • The TurboSound modules archive was updated to version 3.0 in Music Archives section. Added/updated 11 modules. The most modules exist in Tr_Songs archive. Total 458 ones now.
4 of April 2024
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 32. Important changes can be divided into two groups: localization and a position list. The program interface is prepared for translation into various languages, as well as a translation into Russian was made. If you'll decide to translate Vortex Tracker II into your language, it is not difficult at all, just follow the provided instructions. And don't forget to share the results with other users of the editor, send me a file like 'VT.language.po', and I'll add it to the project. The positions list has undergone significant changes, which will take some time to get used to (if you have not used Vortex Tracker v2.xx). For example, work with the clipboard has been added. You can select positions, copy and cut to the clipboard, paste, add and merge from it. In my opinion, this is more convenient than dragging, which I decided not to implement, the usual Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V and even Ctrl+A. The Insert key now calls the 'Add positions' command, which combines two functions of the Vortex Tracker 2.6 project at once (Add and Fill): if positions are selected, the same number of new patterns are added after selection, if an empty cell is selected, then positions are added to the end of the list till the selected one. The previous 'Insert Position' has been retained, but the functionality has been expanded: 'Duplicate positions' and 'Clone positions'. Also, by analogy with VT 2.6, commands for group changing the selected patterns length and renumbering patterns have been added. The positions list scroll bar has also changed, it displays the filled part of the list + 1 empty cell now, but if desired, you can press/click the Right key/icon to see the remaining empty cells (useful, for example, to add more than one position at a time). You can now use Home/End to control the cursor in the positions list, as well as hold Shift to select a range of cells. Briefly about the other changes: in the options, you can reassign the amplitude drawing button in the sample editor from the right to the left one, a switchable hint has appeared in the ornament editor, many improvements and fixes. Everything is described in detail in readme.txt.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 32.
17 of March 2024
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 31. This time there are not many changes and the bulk is the correction of small flaws and minor improvements. But there is also a new functionality, and this is again the implementation of Vortex Tracker v2.6 ideas: Split pattern to divide it into parts and Pack pattern to remove its empty lines without affecting to the playback, hotkeys are not set by default, so either set them or call from the pop-up menu. As always, all changes are described in detail in readme.txt.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 31.
10 of March 2024
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 30. Initially, this version was conceived as a quick fix for an error in the previous one, but, as they say, appetite comes with eating. At the request of Lee Bee, setting of the auto step and of the list for the channel selection button, as well as the keys for quick jump to the beginning of the pattern quarters, has been added. A list of open windows has been added to the Window menu, Swap Channels to the track editor, Toggle Samples has been improved, keys for inserting/deleting lines have appeared in the ornaments and samples editor, as well as highlighting with Tempo step (TAD was asked a long time ago, but I didn't get around to it), paths to modules, patterns, samples and ornaments are remembered individually now, the ability to disable the confirmation request for some operations has been added, and some interface colors setting has been allowed. These and other changes are described in detail in readme.txt.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 30.
7 of March 2024
  • Into the For Developers section's Ice Depacker archive added Sledge Hammer / Grinder adaptation for compiler with overflow checks switched on.
2 of March 2024
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 29. There are many changes and most of them are devoted to the internal reorganization of the project, as well as the writing useful features inroduced in the Vortex Tracker v2.6 project. It was decided to abandon MDI Windows, windows outwardly remained almost the same, but this transformation required significant changes and writing functions for working with windows from scratch (moving, resizing, activating, switching, etc.). Thanks to this reorganization, both new features appeared and some old ones disappeared. This is how the activated/played window visibility tracking has been worked out, the numbering of new windows has been improved, items in the Window menu have been added, but commands related to minimized windows have been removed. The following ideas were borrowed from the VT v2.6 project: additional transposition items in the track menu, modes for displaying and editing tone shifts as notes in samples and ornaments (you can use a MIDI keyboard), display and editing of the octave number was added there, hints appeared in the sample editor, as well as a mode for recalculating sample tone shifts when changing notes in the test line, the copied pattern can be pasted into a sample or an ornament for rendering, in the same way you can paste the ornament into a sample, keys for moving the cursor in tracks editor by the amount of the auto step are added, and also for quick setting its value. At Lee Bee's request, cursor wrapping has been added to samples and tracks editors as well as to the test lines when the extreme position is reached, as well as entering numeric values from the numpad. Double-clicking on the sample/ornament in the tracks and test lines now opens the corresponding editor. In the Options dialog, settings have appeared to control the mode for displaying tone shifts as notes, as well as displaying pop-up hints for tracks and samples. Many improvements and bug fixes have also been made. These and other changes are described in detail in readme.txt.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 29.
21 of January 2024
  • In the Music Archives section Tr_Songs archive version 6.4 was released. Several hundred duplicate modules were viewed, listened to and analyzed in order to find out exactly how they differ. As expected, in most cases the differences are either insignificant or arose as a result of careless edits/failures, or clearly intermediate working versions. In parallel with the removal of such modules, new ones were added. So using the catalog magazines and newspapers missing from Tr_Songs were identified, and the music found in them slightly compensated for the decrease in the total number of modules. Music from numerous releases in recent months has also been added ( , parties, etc.) and the updates have been reviewed. Adrien Pouleyn carried out similar work in parallel, periodically sending me its results. A total of 232 modules have been added or updated. There are currently 28837 modules, 7912 playlists and 763 text files with additional information in the archive.
  • In the Music Archives section, the Tr_Songs archives version 6.4+ (expanded playlists) and 6.4++ (expanded playlists and folders) were released too.
  • The AY Composers List v6.4 was released. 56 records were added/updated. Can be found inside of Tr_Songs archive v6.4, v6.4+ or v6.4++.
10 of December 2023
  • The TurboSound modules archive was updated to version 2.9 in Music Archives section. Added/updated 5 modules. The most interesting among the new tracks is the six-channel version of the music from Shock Megademo in the good old Sound Tracker format. Total 448 ones now.
3 of December 2023
  • In the Music Archives section Tr_Songs archive version 6.3 was released. Many thanks to Adrien Pouleyn, who, as usual, helped to find a large number of duplicates (including intermediate versions with minor changes), co-authors, authors of unsorted tracks, and also sent many new modules. Thanks to his work, the total number of modules in the latest versions of the archive remains approximately at the same level, despite the fact that the number of new modules being added is measured in the hundreds. So, with the help of the previously mentioned tandem of the Xtractor utility and the Ay_Emul ripper, to which all the collections and archives that I had previously looked were slipped, there was a significant replenishment in this version. A total of 367 modules have been added or updated. Now there are 29123 modules, 7713 playlists and 744 text files with additional information in the archive.
  • In the Music Archives section, the Tr_Songs archives version 6.3+ (expanded playlists) and 6.3++ (expanded playlists and folders) were released too.
  • The AY Composers List v6.3 was released. 40 records were added/updated. Can be found inside of Tr_Songs archive v6.3, v6.3+ or v6.3++.
27 of October 2023
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 28. Some new features are realised in addition to the traditional bug fixes and minor improvements. So, support for MIDI keyboards is implemented: you can input both notes and their volumes (these features are configured without calling the Options dialog via the toolbar buttons). In addition, if such a need arises, you can force Vortex Tracker II to process MIDI messages even in the background or if minimized (the corresponding option is in the Options dialog). At the request of Dmitry Bystrov, an Unroll button has been added to the Samples tabsheet to convert a sample with accumulations into a traditional one (without slides). Details as usual in readme.txt.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 28.
15 of October 2023
  • In the Music Archives section Tr_Songs archive version 6.2 was released. Adrien Pouleyn helped to find and remove many duplicates and intermediate versions, found many modules that did not have an AYL link to the co-authors or to the authors of the original module (for remixes), and also sent a large number of new modules. Have been viewed site updates for recent months, new demos that Goblin periodically posts on the site, and also part of the disk images archives that I have accumulated. In addition, Vitamin added a new key for his Xtractor utility, thanks to which it was possible to establish a symbiosis of this utility and the Ay_Emul extractor, and a repeated pass through the AAA collection gave a lot of new modules and information for Tr_Songs. In the course of work, sometimes there were remixes of familiar music, which, as usual, was added to the playlists of the Playlists\Remixes folder. A total of 456 modules have been added or updated. Now there are 29089 modules, 7580 playlists and 740 text files with additional information in the archive.
  • In the Music Archives section, the Tr_Songs archives version 6.2+ (expanded playlists) and 6.2++ (expanded playlists and folders) were released too.
  • The AY Composers List v6.2 was released. 108 records were added/updated. Can be found inside of Tr_Songs archive v6.2, v6.2+ or v6.2++.
13 of October 2023
  • An utility KillDoubles with the source text for removing duplicate files in a given folder is published in the For Developers section. It was written back in 2003 and was actively used by me when working on music archives. However, in 2023 it had to be redone, because it was found that it works with folders of 10-20 thousand modules very slowly (this need arose during testing of the Vitamin's Xtractor utility). At the same time, I remembered that I hadn't published it yet. Use with caution, duplicates are deleted immediately (without a request to the user).
12 of October 2023
  • The TurboSound modules archive was updated to version 2.8 in Music Archives section. Added/updated 45 modules. Total 445 ones now.
1 of October 2023
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 27. The changes are mainly related to exports. So, the export to SNDH has been improved: now they can be saved packed with PACK-ICE, which is what the bulk of SNDH files on the Internet are packed with. Added export to PSG (the idea was taken from VT II v2.6: when exporting a TS pair, two files are saved), as well as to WAV (with the current playback settings). Both functions, unlike Ay_Emul, do not interrupt playback, but work out in parallel with it, which is why AY emulation and module decoding related code has been completely rewriten. Now the maximized window's coordinates before maximization are saved at the exit, hot keys for volume control are added (this can also be done with the mouse wheel), and the current parameters (sample, volume, etc.) are always set correctly after stopping playback. A lot of improvements and fixes have also been made, which it is not advisable to describe in detail in this news feed (see readme.txt).
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 27.
3 of September 2023
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 26. Changes when drawing the amplitude in the sample with the mouse are now grouped for the possibility of undoing in one click. At the request of Nik-O, almost all keyboard shortcuts, including note ones, can be configured in the Options dialog. In addition, new global hotkeys have been added to select the octave number (the idea is taken from VT II v2.6). The redrawing of some controls has been optimized and one interesting bug has been fixed. You can read more about these changes in readme.txt.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 26.
9 of August 2023
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 25. A test line has been added to the pattern editor tabsheet (the same as on the ornaments and samples tabsheets), but its functionality has been expanded: it stores parameters for automatic substitution when entering a note in a pattern (this mode is enabled and fine-tuned by the buttons located above this test line). The Tables tabsheet has been added, where the setting of the note table number has been moved, and now the periods of each of the 96 notes are displayed there (the table or its selected fragment can be copied to the clipboard and pasted, for example, into the Excel). Added grouping of a number of sequential actions of input automation commands to ability undo with one click. Fixed a number of bugs, including critical ones. Details as usual in readme.txt.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 25.
22 of July 2023
  • In the Music Archives section Tr_Songs archive version 6.1 was released. Adrien Pouleyn helped as usual, thanks to which the archive was replenished with new music, authors and co-authors. In addition, they finally got around to sorting out the remnants of the archives sent by Pavel Zegelman a few years ago: had been unsorted AAA's archive (of discs with demos) which Pavel passed through the ripper of ZXTune package; as a result, I had to look through this archive manually, because the result after the ripper was unsatisfactory (not everything was found, and a large part was ripped incorrectly). A total of 690 modules have been added or updated. Now the archive contains 28865 modules, 7317 playlists and 726 text files with additional information.
  • In the Music Archives section, the Tr_Songs archives version 6.1+ (expanded playlists) and 6.1++ (expanded playlists and folders) were released too.
  • The AY Composers List v6.1 was released. 104 records were added/updated. Can be found inside of Tr_Songs archive v6.1, v6.1+ or v6.1++.
17 of June 2023
  • The TurboSound modules archive was updated to version 2.7 in Music Archives section. Added/updated 8 modules. Total 401 ones now.
4 of June 2023
  • In the Music Archives section Tr_Songs archive version 6.0 was released. Once again, Adrien Pouleyn was of great help: in addition to removing duplicates and intermediate versions of some modules, Adrien sent a large number of modules, which added not only the collection, but also the list of composers; he also found many existing modules' co-authors, for which AYL links were created. Sorting of several discs collections sent by AAA was completed: chelybinsk_roversoft, restoring_chelyaba and DRLOV. Music from the latest demo parties and updates was added. A total of 253 modules have been added or updated. Now the archive contains 28527 modules, 6754 playlists and 710 text files with additional information.
  • In the Music Archives section, the Tr_Songs archives version 6.0+ (expanded playlists) and 6.0++ (expanded playlists and folders) were released too.
  • The AY Composers List v6.0 was released. 44 records were added/updated. Can be found inside of Tr_Songs archive v6.0, v6.0+ or v6.0++.
20 of May 2023
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 24. Above the first three tracks (numbering, envelope and noise periods) buttons have appeared that enable their alternative display modes: decimal for numbering and a noise, as a note for an envelope; notes can now be pasted into the envelope period track from the clipboard, as well as envelope periods into note tracks (envelope periods are converted to notes during pasting); notes can now be entered into an envelopes track (including with zero octave); there are new settings in the Options window; added algorithms provided by Alexander Boolba: Cascade, Tile Horizontally/Vertically, Find, Close All for windows, added bringing the second TS window to the foreground when clicking on the first one; fixed some bugs. There are quite a few changes, they are described in detail in readme.txt.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 24.
6 of May 2023
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 23. The editor and global settings windows have been redesigned, fonts and colors can now be selected not only for tracks, the size of the edited modules windows can now be changed dynamically, work with TS-pairs windows has been improved (they now hook each other when moving and resizing), some errors and shortcomings have been fixed. Some of the ideas are taken from the Vortex Tracker II v2.6 project by Ivan Pirog. The description of the most significant changes has 22 items (see readme.txt).
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 23.
9 of April 2023
  • The Vortex Project section was updated with Vortex Tracker II 1.0 beta 22. There are a lot of changes, in addition to fixing errors (old ones and those that appeared after switching from Delphi to Lazarus), there are also changes in the interface: a new volume control and the ability to work with the clipboard in the sample and ornaments editor, as well as in their test lines. There is the description of the changes turned out to be quite voluminous (24 points) in readme.txt, explore it.
  • The For Developers section now has the source code of Vortex Tracker II v1.0 beta 22.
12 of March 2023
  • The TurboSound modules archive is updated to version 2.6 in Music Archives section. Added/updated 21 modules. Total 395 ones now. All those files are also included in Tr_Songs v5.9.
21 of February 2023
  • In the Music Archives section Tr_Songs archive version 5.9 was released. The qualitative changes were comparable to the quantitative ones in this version, so the total number of modules did not increase by much. Qualitative changes occurred mainly due to the efforts of Adrien Pouleyn: he found a large number of duplicates (including inter-format), intermediate or broken versions of modules. As a result, the number of modules removed from the archive at some moments exceeded the number of added ones. However, due extracting from the Nomygfx discs collection from AAA and some others that I have accumulated, from the latest demo parties and updates, the situation was slightly corrected. A lot of author tags were found in the disc collections (in the music player routines), they were added to the corresponding modules. Overall, 364 modules were added or updated. The archive contains 28443 modules, 6540 playlists and 705 text files with additional info.
  • In the Music Archives section, the Tr_Songs archives version 5.9+ (expanded playlists) and 5.9++ (expanded playlists and folders) were released too.
  • The AY Composers List v5.9 was released. 84 records were added/updated. Can be found inside of Tr_Songs archive v5.9, v5.9+ or v5.9++.
10 of February 2023
  • The Nostalgic.7z (ZX Spectrum Music) archive have been updated to version 1.2 and VtxYmEtc.7z ("VTX, YM, etc") archive have been updated to version 1.3 in Music Archives section. These archives were published on this site at one time due to the fact that I have accumulated a lot of VTX and YM files (this is register dumps), and the originals were either not found, or were not yet available to me in the form of AY files. I want to thank Adrien Pouleyn for being able to find some originals in Tr_Songs, as a result of which this update became possible.
  • Another change on the site will be noticeable to English-reading visitors: thanks to the efforts of Kaens Bard, the English text in most sections has been edited and corrected. Thank you for your help!
8 of January 2023
  • Updated some documents in the PT3Docs archive at the For Developers section.
News archive
Site author Sergey Bulba
Web design Ivan Reshetnikov
Copyright © 1999,2024 S.V. Bulba