This is an archived version of the site as of 12/15/2024. Go to the current version of the site.
Main Page News For Engineers For Developers The Emulator Micro Speccy & Micro ST Music Archives Project Vortex References

This site is dedicated to the popular sound chips AY-3-8910, AY-3-8912 and YM2149. The AY-3-8912 chip has been widely used in original ZX Spectrum 128K computers; YM2149 is the analog of AY-3-8910, and AY-3-8912 is its simplified version. The similarities allowed using all of these chips in the flavors of the ZX Spectrum machine while preserving software compatibility.

In the News section you can track the recent changes to the site and reports on the projects' progress.

The For Engineers section offers technical information about the sound chips.

The For Developers section contains information on programming those chips. You can also find the source code of many programs, including all the projects on this site, as well as some file format descriptions, packages for inserting chip sound emulation into your own programs with accessible and detailed examples, and so on.

In The Emulator section you can download the ZX Spectrum Sound Chip Emulator (Ay_Emul), including its beta versions. Of course the skins and skin-making tools are available too.

In the Micro Speccy section you can download the .AY and .AYM file player Micro Speccy (the project is finished), and also the SNDH file player Micro ST.

In the Archives of Music section, there are music archives playable by Ay_Emul. It also features a list of people composing music on ZX Spectrum and other AY/YM computers.

The Project Vortex section is dedicated to the Vortex Tracker II project. This is a musical editor for Win32, which allows you to create and edit music for sound chips on the PC. Here, you can also read some historical info about the Vortex project by V_Soft (Roman Scherbakov), as well as download his VTX playback plug-ins for Winamp and VTX players for the Pocket PC.

In the References section you can find links to various Internet resources with the same thematic.

You can find some archives (including the old versions of programs with sources) at the AY-3-891x/YM2149 Homepage FTP server also.

Site author Sergey Bulba
Web design Ivan Reshetnikov
Copyright © 1999,2024 S.V. Bulba